Resolute Investors acquires companies in which we take an active management role and create value by growing the business.

We seek stable companies that have established a strong competitive position.
They are in, or serve, stable or growing industries.
They are operationally sound. They have a stable customer base, steady revenue and high customer satisfaction, as well as a stable, capable employee team.
They have distinctive products or services that create value for their customers. The source of this value-add will differ by company, but the result will be clear differentiation from competitors in the market they serve. 

We create value by developing and executing growth strategies
We look for opportunities to create value through marketing and business development initiatives such as increased investment in sales and marketing programs, creation of alternative distribution channels, application of technology, or expansion through internal growth or follow-on acquisitions. This is a team effort, so we seek companies with committed mangers and employees who share our passion for the business and are eager to take the company to the “next level.”

We are interested in special situations that other acquirers may find unsuitable because we provide senior management and are unconstrained by commitments to limited partners.
Corporate divestitures or “spin-outs”: product lines, business units or divisions that lack a complete management team and business infrastructure.
Owner/operator retirement or transition: businesses in which the owner wants to plan a well-defined “exit” within a short period following the transaction.
Financially distressed companies: financially-distressed situations in which we can identify a solid core business that meets our acquisition criteria. 


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